Mugiithi artiste Samuel Muchoki, popularly known as Samidoh, is facing a wave of online criticism after receiving the prestigious Head of...
Award-winning actress Catherine Kamau popularly known as Kate Actress was feted the Order of the Grand Warrior (OGW) award by President...
Award-winning scriptwriter Abel Mutua has added a touch of humor to the recent separation of his best friends, Kate Actress and Phillip...
Popular actress Catherine Kamau and her husband Phil Karanja have revealed that they are parting ways, emphasizing that their separation...
Kate actress, Jackie Matubia, ignored by her lovers on Mother's Day As the world came together to celebrate Mother's Day yesterday,...
Kenyans have been speculating about the marriage status between renowned actress Catherine Kamau a.k.a Kate Actress, and Philip Karanja for...
Kenyan actress Catherine Kamau, popularly known as Kate Actress, and her husband, Philip Karanja have remained silent on their marriage...
Socialite Risper Faith is considering a second weight loss surgery. Risper confirmed as much in a recent interview with Nairobi News,...
NTV's Swahili prime-time news anchor Frida Mwaka was among three Kenyans who won the international Ladies In Media Award 2022 which drew...
Catherine Kamau (alias Kate Actress), a member of the Talanta Hela Council technical committee for the Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...