Comedienne Jackie Vikie alias Awinjah has downplayed any assumptions of joining politics. The reports are engineered after she was...
Actress Joy Karambu, better known for her role as Kawira on Papa Shirandula, has made a comeback on social media with an assurance to her...
Felix Odiwour, widely known as Jalang'o, has a tale that epitomizes the classic 'from grass to grace' narrative. Multitalented, his...
Former Papa Shirandula actor Njoro, whose real name is Ken Gichoya, is urging Kenyans to embrace clean content on social media. In a...
The cast members of TV show Papa Shirandula are paying heartfelt tributes to their beloved co-star, Charles Bukeko, popularly known as...
Former Papa Shirandula actor Kenneth Gichoya aka Njoro was rushed to hospital on Friday morning after he was involved in an accident on the...
Acclaimed comedian Kazungu Mutano, also known as Captain Otoyo, has disclosed the details of his first salary while working at Royal...
Mary Airo Adhiambo, popularly known as Mama Nyaguthii in the long-running Papa Shirandula comedy show, celebrated turning 50 years old over...
Actress Mary Airo, best known by his stage name Mama Nyaguthii is part of a team touring the country to offer legal advice. The project...
Former Papa Shirandula actress Hanita Njoki Mwaniki, popularly known as Wafirethi, is battling a medical issue that is causing her...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...