Online comedian, actress, and content creator Sylvia Savai, known for her skits Senjee comedy, is threatening to sue two blogs Pulselive...
YY Comedian's ex-lover Marya Okoth has opened up about her journey in the public eye. The mother of one spoke to Nairobi News about the...
Reality TV star and businesswoman Susan Kaittany has averted a crisis that could have seen her Posh Palace Hair Studio and Spa auctioned...
MC and presenter Claudia Naisabwa has given flowers to her former boss, comedian Eddi Butita, for protecting her from male celebrities and...
First Daughter Charlene Ruto has unveiled a team of 82 young men and women to lead the fight against hunger and climate change in 46...
Comedian and Mcee Sande Bush popularly known as Dr. Ofweneke has responded to critics of his failed marriages. The comedian says he has...
The multi-talented Victoria Kimani is a singer, songwriter, and actress. Born in Los Angeles, USA, and catapulted to stardom after signing...
Celebrity couple Daddie Marto and Koku Lwanga are again stepping into the spotlight, this time as co-hosts of an exciting new dating show,...
Actress Jackie Matubia has opened up on the reasons that led to her divorce from her ex-husband Kennedy Njogu. The mother of two says one...
Content creator comedian Timothy 'Njugush' says many brands and clients complain that his rate card is too expensive whenever they want to...
With his marriage fraying, Blake persuades his wife...
Paddington travels to Peru to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy,...
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new...