Renowned matatu company Sacco Super Metro is offering free rides to its customers on Monday, April 15 for its new bus. In an...
In the arena of Kenyan politics, the voices of celebrities hold a unique sway. In 2023, a wave of well-known figures stepped into the...
Award-winning scriptwriter Abel Mutua has added a touch of humor to the recent separation of his best friends, Kate Actress and Phillip...
In a recent Twitter conversation, Genge artiste Jua Cali has found himself at the centre of controversy after expressing his opinions on...
We have to give it to Kenyan content creators and celebrities for living lavishly. However, their opulent lifestyle has now caught the...
Kenyan comedian Timothy Kimani, better known by the stage name Njugush, recently unveiled the backstory behind his wife Celestine Ndinda's...
Celestine Ndinda, the wife of celebrated Kenyan comedian Njugush, has revealed that she has no plans of having any more children. In a...
2022 has been and continues to be a bountiful year in terms of celebrity tots. Several celebrities, including influencers, singers and...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...