The Churchill Show, one of the most watched and longest-running television programmes, will in July 2024, return to...
Comedians from the popular comedy show, Churchill Show, have announced a mega show in honor of their late colleague, Fred Odhiambo...
"Why is this thing - okra water - trending? I once tried it and I swear never again," said one Kenyan netizen. "I've just drunk okra...
Former host of Churchill Raw, MC Jessy, has ridiculed claims made by comedian Wa Kimani suggesting that Churchill Ndambuki, popularly known...
Content creator Crazy Kennar has addressed the haters who doubt his ability to excel in stand-up comedy. Born Kennedy Odhiambo, the...
Comedian Akuku Danger's recent musings about the tranquility of death have left Kenyans in contemplation, with varying perspectives...
Ezekiel Mutua, the Chief Executive Officer of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya, left tongues wagging when he complimented the beauty of...
Popular comedian MC Jessy has found himself at the centre of controversy after sharing a photo of himself having breakfast at the Safari...
Media personality Kamene Goro once more had her name top on the list of trending items this week with the news that she is making her radio...
Media personality-cum-entrepreneur Betty Kyallo has made a grand comeback in the media space. Betty will now be hosting a show on NRG Radio...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...