Celebrities often share details about their personal lives, including their decisions about celibacy and marital life. Controversial...
Azeezah Hashim, the host of the renowned '10 Over 10' show, has shed light on a recent alarming incident that unfolded live on television...
Kibera's artist, Stivo Simple Boy, collapsed while being interviewed on Citizen TV's popular show, 10 Over 10 on March, 15. The...
Musician Stevo Simple Boy has expressed his belief that he possesses the capability to provide comfort to media personality Betty Kyallo...
Renowned as Kibra's finest, Stephen Otieno Adera, better known as Stivo Simple Boy, recently opened up about the challenges he faces as a...
Stephen Otieno Adera, popularly known as Steve Simple Boy has shared a harrowing chapter of his life — the moment he died momentarily...
Content producer Purity Vishenwa, popularly known as Pritty Vishy, has taken to social media to mock her ex-boyfriend, musician Stevo...
Popular Citizen TV presenter Rashid Abdalla, celebrated for his charming on-screen presence, has unveiled plans to trademark his popular...
Stivo Simple Boy shares that despite facing financial challenges, he takes pride in the fact that he achieved something significant –...
Mumias East Member of Parliament (MP) Peter Salasya recently made a heartfelt pledge to assist struggling musician Stivo Simple Boy in...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...